Sprijinirea tranzitiei studentilor catre piata muncii prin stagii de practica inovatoare in regiunea Nord de Est

“Support the transition of students to the labour market through innovative internships in the northeast region.”

The project’s main goal is to facilitate access to the labour market for at least 180 students in higher education (bachelor and master level) in the northeast region, through integrated internships (theory, practical applications in partner offices, direct and immediate applicable skills).

The specific goals are:

1. Provide an efficient and transparent management of human, material and financial resources. Prepare and implement communications to institutions of project activities.

2. Transfer of knowhow and good practices, on transnational matters, related to methods and innovative tools that support students and their integration into the labour market.

3. Strengthen cooperation between the academic world and the economic world/other institutions in order to develop learning programmes that can better meet the needs of the labour market.

4. Design, create and implement efficient and innovative guidance and consultancy actions.

5. Learn practical skills and take part in labour training projects (practical training).

6. Develop and implement a system that monitors the quality and efficiency of internships and assesses the acquisition of non-formal skills.

7. Improve transferability of best practices and lessons learned during the project.

Lead partner:  FUNDATIA SATEAN


-University “Ștefan cel Mare” of Suceava;

-European Academy Association;

-UTC Umbria Training Center

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Contact us
Telephone number: +39 0743 613410
E-mail: info@umbriautc.org
Fax number: +39 0743 613159