The project TEHNIC reunites a partnership structure that involves 4 different European regions, Alba County – Centre Region, Romania, Brandenburg Region - Germany, Perugia and Puglia Region - Italy, through a multi-organisational consortium consisting of Alba County Education Board, Alba County Council, Vocational High School ”Alexandru Domșa” Alba Iulia, Vocational High School “Timotei Cipariu” Blaj. In the partner regions of the project an important number of active economic agents work, on the industrial field, which need skilled workforce, at the level of production standards from diverse industrial fields that are in course of continuous refurbishment. 

The statistic analyses show that the VET schools do not ensure the skilled workforce necessary for the industrial fields under development, and the youngsters do not turn to these schools, as they are not well informed and prepared, by their schools and parents, to choose a vocational career. Thus, the technical and vocational high schools have a small number of students, poor driven, with modest or poor results, out of which a large amount do not pass the final exams. Moreover, due to the fact that some efficient vocational guidance services are missing, the youngsters come to study and prepare for occupations at a discount on the labour market.

The aspects identified at the level of Alba County, regarding the lack of VET amenity for students and youngsters, are present, at different levels, also in the other project partner regions. This is why a partnership was built, to propose the increase of VET amenity, correlated with the labour market needs.   

The project activities approach the achievement of the strategic partnerships general objective, focused on professional / vocational training of the specialists involved in technical and vocational education, and on adopting some best good practice models, functional on different European areas, and, also on introducing some innovative working tools on the intervention fields.

Enhancing VET amenity for students, and their parents, by drawing up an effective strategy to promote and to guide students for their careers, in order to increase, with 5%, the number of students who turn VET, at the level of the project partner schools, during the period of the project development, between 2017 and 2019.

As for the specific objectives, these refer to: Improving the competences of the teachers involved in the project, in order to advise and guide students, and to promote VET; Enhancing students' impulse to turn VET, by an active knowing of occupations specificity, and by complete informing regarding the scholar and vocational path; Developing a continuous and coherent collaboration between school and business environment, by creating a common action programme.

The target group, to whom the project addresses, consists of: 

• VET teachers, trainers from VET schools / training centres, scholar advisers; 

• VET students, and future gymnasium graduates; Schools / training centres' managers   

 The project covers specific management activities, and specific activities connected to the project objectives.

The tangible project results will be: 

• A notebook of vocational occupations; 

• An ebook containing success stories of former VET students; 

• The Action Plan for increasing the attractiveness of VET; 

• The project site; 

• The virtual museum; 

• A notebook of technical professions and “TECHNIC-the Career and Counseling Guide” for VET;

• Newsletters. 

The results, and the working tools created within the project will be used as informational resources on long term, by all the involved organizations, and their collaborators. 

The project implementation will be based on a set of working procedures, which will govern: the partnership organisation, responsibilities, functions, the organisation of the management team, tasks planning, the establishment of duties, human and material resources, implementation terms, communication between partners, communication between partners' consortium and the external background, collaborators, mass media, broad audience.   

Implementing this project represents an intervention over the causes that generate the lack of VET amenity, by generating an exchange of attitude towards this field, at the level of students and their parents, at the level of schools, and other factors involved in VET professional training.

On short term, the purpose is to increase the numbers of students that turn VET, and on medium and long term, the purpose is to streamline the marketing of VET field, which is used by schools, companies, public authorities having responsibilities on the field of workforce training / education. 

On long term, the partnership created within this project will carry on the collaboration on other projects connected to TECHNIC project, thus contributing to the improvement of the human resources from the involved organisations, and, also, to the advancement of the services they provide, according to their own specificity.  



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